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Fallout 1 Walkthrough

Table of Contents

  1. Character Creation
  2. Vault Caves
  3. Shady Sands
  4. Radscorpion Caves
  5. Return to Shady Sands
  6. Vault 15
  7. Return to Shady Sands (Again)
  8. Raiders (Khans)
  9. Junktown
  10. Hub
  11. Brotherhood of Steel
  12. Necropolis
  13. Glow
  14. Vault 13
  15. Return to Brotherhood of Steel
  16. Boneyard
  17. Cathedral
  18. Return to Hub
  19. Return to Boneyard
  20. Return to Brotherhood of Steel (Again)
  21. Military Base

Character Creation

1. Suggested By: Scotty the Great
Raise your Strength to 7, leave Perception at 5, raise Endurance, Charisma, and Intelligence all to 6, and leave Agility Luck at 5. Choose Big Guns, Energy Weapons, and Lockpick for your tag skills, and Bloody Mess and Chem Resistant for your Perks.

2. Suggested By: Tom Servo (aka Morbius)
First off, choose Small Guns, Barter, and Steal as your tag skills. For perks, choose Gifted and Skilled. Then, raise your Strength to about 8, and Charisma, Agility, and Endurance all to 7. Plus, when you go up levels and get the chance to choose an additional trait, select Awareness because it will give you an advantage over your opponents.

3. Suggested By: Danoth Dragon God

Stats: Traits: Tag Skills: Description:
At higher levels the Finesse trait doesn't really help because of eye shots. This character is best if you know how to join the Brotherhood of Steel and do so early in the game. The stat boosts are a requirement. This is NOT A BEGINNERS CHARACTER!!!!

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Vault Caves

1. This is where you begin your journey. First, search the bones and take the ammo and the knife. Then, arm yourself with one of the knives that you have.

2. Now, kill all of the rats that are in the cave. This will give you some easy experience, which will help you at this early stage in the game. There should be twenty rats total.

3. After that, head to the southwest and leave the caves. You should have the location of Vault 15, so start heading there. On your way to Vault 15, you will notice a green circle on the map that indicates another town. Stop at this town.

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Shady Sands

1. Once you arrive here, unarm yourself.

2. Talk to the female that is by the front gate and ask her as many questions as you can. You will find out a lot of information, plus you'll gain some experience.

3. Now, enter the building that is directly north of the gate on the inside of town. Here you can find Ian. He is wearing a leather jacket and blue jeans. Tell him your name, and then ask him what he does there. After that, ask him to join you. He will then say he'll join you for 100 caps. If you have a high enough Charisma, you will be given the chance to counter offer with a piece of action instead. If he refuses the action, don't worry. You'll try again later. If you cannot counter offer with a piece of action, then see number seven in this part of the walkthrough.

4. Head to the building that is to the south. Here you will find a robed figure. Talk to him, and tell him why you're there. After that, question him about what's going on. You'll be informed about the Radscorpions that are terrorizing the town. Now, offer to help out. You will be told to see Razlo for more information on the issue.

5. Razlo can be found in the building to the west of where Aredesh is. Talk to him (if it as night, you will have to wait until morning) and ask him about the scorpions. He'll say that he needs a poison sample in order to make a cure. Next, use your steal skill on the bookcase in the room. You might want to save here if you don't have a good steal skill. If you are caught doing this, you will be told not to look through the stuff. Keep trying until you succeed. Also, be sure to search all bookcases, shelves, lockers, ect. here. Unlike many other places in the game, Shady Sands usually has items on the bookshelves.

6. Head to the southwest now and enter the next part of town. Once here, proceed south and enter the building that you find there. You should find a sledgehammer and a rope on the floor. Take both of these items. Also, in this part of town, you might be able to inform the farmers of a better irrigation system. This only works if your character has a high enough intelligence. Talk to one of the farmers here to find out if you can complete this task.

7. Now head back to Ian (if he didn't join you before). Once again, if you can, offer him a piece of action. He should accept. Now, if you don't have a high enough charisma to offer action, you will have to pay the 100 caps. You can barter for the money with Seth (the man at the gate), Aredesh, and Razlo. An alternate route is to just steal the money, but if you choose this, be careful not to get caught. Once Ian joins you, talk to him and ask him for directions to the Hub and Junktown.

8. Now, talk to Seth and ask him about the radscorpions. Next, ask him to take you to the caves.

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Radscorpion Caves

1. I would suggest saving right now, because there is a chance that you will die.

2. This place, for the most part, is pretty simple. Take out all of the scorpions in the cave (nine total). Search the bodies and take a few tails. It doesn't really matter how many tails you take, but I would suggest taking at least two.

3. Once the caves are cleared of the scorpions and you have some tails, head back to Shady Sands.

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Return to Shady Sands

1. Once arriving back here, find Razlo and tell him that you have a scorpion poison sample. He will then mix an antidote for each tail that you give him.

2. Now go to the back room in Razlo's place. You will notice that there is a guy on the floor. Use one of the antidotes that you just received on him and he'll be cured.

3. Leave Shady Sands and head for Vault 15.

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Vault 15

1. Once you arrive here, enter the shack and take the ladder down. Here you can find the Vault 15 entrance and elevator. The elevator is broken, and in order to go down to the next floor, you have to use the rope on the elevator shaft. You should then be able to go down to the next floor.

2. Once on this floor, along the south wall, you should find four rooms. The third room from the right (second from the left) contains a locker. In that locker you can find some rope and leather armor. You'll need the rope to get to the next floor. So, once you have the rope, use it on the elevator shaft and go to the next floor.

3. On this floor, head to the southeast corner. You're character will discover that the chip can't be found here, and you'll gain some experience.

4. Leave Vault 15 now and head back to Shady Sands again.

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Return to Shady Sands (Again)

1. Talk to Aredesh now and you'll find out that Tandi is missing. Volunteer to help out with finding her, and Aredesh will give you a spear that was found where she was last seen.

2. Go talk to Razlo and tell him that Tandi is missing. Tell him that you think she was kidnapped, and many people, including yourself, are looking for here. He will then give you a fruit and wish you luck.

3. Now go talk to Seth, and ask him for the location of the Raiders.

4. Leave Shady Sands and head to the raider camp.

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Raiders (Khans)

1. When you arrive here, unarm yourself right away. If you don't do this, you will be attacked.

2. Head north and enter the main building here. You will find a guy here that is wearing metal armor. Talk to him. He is the leader of the Khans. There are many different ways in which you can rescue Tandi. First, you can barter for her. You can also fight the leader one on one for her, or simply take the raiders out and make sure that she lives. Whichever method you choose, just be sure to save first in case something goes wrong.

3. If you take out the Khans, you'll have to unlock the door of Tandi's cell to free her.

4. After rescuing Tandi, you can either take her back to Shady Sands or keep her with you as a NPC. I would recommend returning her to Shady Sands. That way, you will get some more experience for rescuing her, and you will also get a reward from Aredesh. Also, in combat, she sucks and only uses a knife.

5. Head to Junktown now.

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Done by Slurrydevil

1. When you enter Junktown you have to put away your gun. Its not that strict but many times I have accidentally said the wrong thing to the guy about my gun and lost some stuff. Plus, if it is night when you arrive at Junktown, you will have to wait until morning in order to enter.

2. Head up through the town until you reach the hospital, which is also Doc Morbid's place. Go down stairs here and talk to Morbid's assistant, who is loading up a crate of body parts. You can find out from him if you pretend you have come to collect them that they are for Iguana Bob and then you can threaten Bob when you get to the Hub. Once you find out this information, you may want to try killing everyone in the hospital. When I did this, no one in the town attacked me, but you may have different results. So, I would suggest saving before doing this. Plus, the locker that is in the hospital basement has traps on it. You have to disarm the traps and then lockpick it in order to gain access to the locker. If you fail to disarm the traps, the locker will explode, so I suggest saving before attempting this.

3. Head up past the first section and enter Darkwater's general store. Talk to Killian and don't tell tall tales about your Vault because he looks at you funny after that and it freaks you out. Ask him to tell you about the town and he will fill you in about the Skulls gang and Gizmo. Then buy anything you need to and exit the conversation. You will notice a guy called Kenji walking into the store. Get up close to him before he reaches Killian and he will pull out a rifle and shoot at him saying 'gizmo sends his regards'. Now crack out your gun and shoot him. You can try and kill Kenji if you want but you only need to hit him once and Killian and his guards will finish the job. Killian will congratulate you and tell you that now he needs to get a confession out of gizmo about sending Kenji. Agree and he will give you a bug and a wire tap to frame him with.

4. Head up to the Crash House Hotel, which is north of Killian's, and stay the night. The woman will wake you up in the morning and tell you that a raider is holding a girl hostage in the room next door. Go in there and you will be confronted with a hostage situation. If you negotiate with responses like 'we can sort this out' and such then you may be able to convince the Raider to go away without hurting the girl. If you mess it up, she dies. An alternate route that you can use if you cannot convince him to simply leave is to kill him. However, I would recommend this as a last resort, mainly because the girl is at a greater risk of dieing. After you free the girl, you will get another free nights accommodation and some exp.

5. Go to the next section of Junktown and go to the right. Here you will find a dog that is standing outside a man's house. Put on a leather jacket and the dog (Dogmeat) will join your party.

6. Now go left and enter Gizmo's casino, head up to the back room and talk to him. Make sure you have the bug equipped and in the slot you are using. Tell him hypothetically what if he sent someone to kill Killian. Then ask him to let you try. When he asks how he can trust you say you have killed before. After that, find out why he wants Killian dead. Then, return to Killian and give him the bug. He will let you have one of several rewards, I suggest you chose either the shotgun or the stimpacks. Then he says to go talk to Lars down at the guard station. Lars is the guy that is standing just inside the front entrance. Go see him, and tell him you want to help kill Gizmo. Then you will be transported to the casino and will have to kill Gizmo and his helper. With dogmeat and Ian this is really easy but you aren't gonna die anyway. Before the battle ends raid the corpses because it saves you walking all the way back. Gizmo has some stuff that's good to trade at the Hub. After Gizmo is dead, talk to Lars again. Ask him for work, and he will tell you to get evidence against the Skullz, which is a gang in Junktown.

7. Head north and return back to the part of town that Gizmo was in. To the right of his place you should find the Skum Pitt. If it is daytime (if it is evening, go straight to number eight), use lockpick on one of the doors. Then, go inside and steal the urn from the bar counter. After that, leave.

8. Return to the Skum Pitt once again when it is evening. This time, the bar should be full of people. You should see a guy wearing leather armor on the left side of the bar. He is Tycho. Talk to him, and if you say the right things, he will give you some pointers on wasteland survival. After you are done talking with him the first time, talk to him again. This time, tell him that Killian asked you to clean up the town and ask him to help you. He will then join your party.

9. Now, go talk to the bar owner. You can ask him whatever you want, just don't be offensive. After you finish talking with him, one of the members of the Skulz will attack a woman. After this, the bartender will shoot and kill him.

10. Return to the Crash House now and go to the upper left. You will find a girl standing outside of a room. Talk to her, and you will find out that the place is the headquarters of the Skulz. Don't provoke her to attacking you. Instead, find out as much information about the Skulz that you can. After you finish talking to her the first time, talk to her again. You may be able to convince her to leave the Skulz and do something else with her life if you have a high enough intelligence and speech skill.

11. Enter the back room of the Crash House where the Skulz are in. Talk to the man that is wearing leather armor in here. Tell him that you want to join the Skulz. If you speak swiftly enough, he will give you the mission of getting the urn from the Skum Pitt in order to prove yourself. If you already have the urn, give it to him. If you don't have it, you will have to wait until daytime in order to steal it (see number seven). Once you give the urn to Vinnie, he will tell you that they are planning to kill Neal. He will ask you to help out, too. Agree to helping, but tell him that you have something to do first.

12. Return to Lars and tell him that the Skulz are planning to kill Neal. He will ask you to join you in fighting the Skulz, which I suggest doing. After you defeat the Skulz, return the urn to Neal. He will then let you have free drinks at the bar.

13. Leave Junktown and head for the Hub.

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1. When you first arrive in the Hub, proceed south into the next part of town, which is known as the Downtown area. Here you can find a variety of places, including the Moltese Falcon, the All In One Store, the Friendly Lending Company, the Library, the Crimson Caravan, the Fargo Traders, Bob’s Iguana Bits, and the Weapon’s Shop that is run by Beth. Feel free to wander around this area for a while to familiarize yourself with it.

2. Once you come across the Fargo Traders, enter their building and talk to Rutger, who is standing in front of the door that leads to the back room. Inform him that you are looking for a job, and he will tell you to proceed to the back room and speak with Butch. Do as you are told, and go into the back room and talk to Butch. Tell him that you want to ask a few questions. Butch will get impatient right away and ask if you are there for the job. Say that you are, and he will tell you to go speak with Rutger. So, go talk to Rutger again and he will give you details about the job (which is to find out what has been happening to the caravans). Also, if you ask Rutger about Beth, you will then be able to receive a discount at Beth’s store. Now, talk to Butch again. If you say the right things, you can find out about the Death Claw and be referred to Beth for more information about the beasts. Also, you can also find out how to get to the Boneyard, the Brotherhood of Steal, and Necropolis.

3. Proceed to Beth’s place, which is just southwest of the Fargo Traders. Beth’s store has the word ‘GUNS’ on the front of the building; you can’t miss it. If it is night when you arrive at the store, you will have to rest until morning. You cannot speak to Beth unless it is during normal business hours. So, when you are able to, talk to Beth and tell her that you have some questions. Then, ask about the Death Claw. Find out as much information about the creature as you can. You will be informed that Harold, a mutant that lives in Oldtown, has actually seen it. Once you have found out all of the information about the Death Claw that you can, end the conversation with Beth. Next, talk to her again, but this time ask if there are any places in town that you should avoid. You’ll find out about Decker and the Maltese Falcon. Now, leave the shop.

4. Just to the south of Beth’s shop you can find Bob’s Iguana Bits. Here, talk to Bob and say that you need to talk with him about Doc Morbid and the secret ingredients. Then, shout out that the food is made of people. He’ll tell you to not to be so loud. Now, select the dialogue option that has ‘Noise is cheap, silence is expensive.’ You can then blackmail Bob, but be careful not to go for too much money. If you do, you will be attacked by Bob and the Hub police, so be careful.

5. Now, head to the Maltese Falcon, which is on the west side of the Downtown Hub. On the south side of the building you will see a man that is standing in front of a door. This man is Decker’s assistant, Kane. Talk to him, and ask him for a job. You will then be taken to Decker. Tell Decker your name and find out about the job. Agree to the job, which is killing a merchant and his wife. After you are finished talking with Decker, speak to Kane again to receive the initial payment and additional information.

6. To the far right of the part of town that you are in, you will find a grid that leads to Oldtown. Once you arrive in Oldtown, go to the second building that is immediately to the south. Make sure that you do not enter the first building because you will be attacked if you do so. The second building to the south has Harold the mutant in it. Talk to him, and give him some cash. Then, ask about the Death Claws and find out as much as you can about them. After you finish speaking with Harold the first time, you can talk to him again to find out his story. However, this is not necessary.

7. Next, speak to the guy that is outside of Harold’s place. This is Slappy. Ask him about the Death Claws. If you persist with the Death Claw topic, he’ll offer to take you to a Death Claw. Agree to go with him.

8. You will now arrive at a cave. Your first objective here is to find and kill the Death Claw. After you successfully complete this task, you should notice a mutant that is on the ground. Speak to him and ask whatever you can. The mutant will give you a holodisk and then die.

9. Leave the cave and return to the Fargo Traders. Tell Rutger that you found out what has been happening to the caravans. He will then send you to see Butch. Inform Butch that the mutants are responsible for the missing caravans. After that, speak to Rutger again. This time, show him the holodisk that you received from the mutant. He will then give you an award.

10. Now, head to the southwest. You will find a man that is in a broken-down house that doesn’t have a roof. Speak to him and he’ll say that he has problems. Offer to help out, and he will tell you that some Raiders took over his farm (If you do not have a high enough level, he will not let you help him). Agree to help him out. You will then be taken to his farm. All you have to do here is kill all of the Raiders. After you succeed in this, leave the farm and return to Irwin. Let him know that it is safe for him to return, and he will thank you and give you a rifle as your reward.

11. Return to Oldtown now. This time, though, follow the street here and enter the last building that is on the north side of the street. Once here, speak to the guy that is in the middle of the room and wearing metal armor. Ask him what he is selling, and then ask about the Geiger counter. Next, ask for more information about radiation. Then, ask where you can find some Rad-Away. You will then find out about a guy named Vance. Vance offers a wide variety of chems that you can buy and even some other items that might be useful to you. However, if you would simply walk into his building, you would be attacked. Now, though, seeing how you have just been referred to Vance from Jake, you will have no problem dealing with him. Vance is in the building at the end of the street in Oldtown. Finish speaking with Jake now and feel free to trade with him.

12. Enter the building that is on the opposite side of the street from Jake’s place. Once in this building, take the stairs down. Here you will have to unlock doors and try to avoid traps that have been placed on the floor. Finally, you will come upon an area that has people in it. Speak to the man in the last room here. This is Loxley, leader of the Thieves’ Guild. Tell him your name, and then tell him that you want to join the Guild. You will then find out that you have to pass a second test in order to become a member. The second test is to steal a necklace from Daren Hightower’s estate. Agree to this task, and you’ll be referred to Jasmine for additional details and some supplies. Jasmine is the woman in the upper right of the first room. Talk to her, and she’ll give you some lockpicks and flares. You’ll then be sent on your way.

13. To the southwest of the Downtown area is a grid that leads to the Heights. You have two jobs that you have to accomplish while in the Heights. First, you have to kill Daren Hightower and his wife for Decker, and second you have to get the necklace for the Thieves’ Guild. The easiest way to do these jobs is to first eliminate the guards. Then, assassinate Mr. and Mrs. Hightower. In the room where Mr. Hightower was in, there is a door that leads to another room. This room contains the chest that has the necklace in it. Search the chest for traps, and once you disable the trap on the chest, lockpick it. Once you are successful at this, take the necklace.

14. Return to the Maltese Falcon and see Kane for your reward. Then, ask him for another job. You will be taken to Decker again to find out about the next job. The next job is to eliminate the High Priestess, Jain, of the Children of the Cathedral. Accept the job, and then talk to Kane for starting pay and additional information.

15. Proceed southeast to the next part of town now. The building that is directly to the left when you arrive here is the Children of the Cathedral. Enter the building, and kill everyone here.

16. Further south in this part of town you can find the Water Merchants. Ask the head of Merchants here about the water chip, and then ask about Necropolis. You will find out some interesting information. Also, while you are here you can have the merchants deliver water to your vault for a price. The water that the merchants supply your vault will give you an extra 100 days to find the water chip. As long as you have the latest patch for Fallout, there will be no negative side effects from doing this.

17. Return to Kane to receive your reward.

18. To the south of the Fargo Traders you will find the police station. Go here and speak with the Sheriff. Tell him that you have a crime to report. If you have a high enough speech skill, you can convince him that Decker tried to hire you to kill a merchant and his wife. You will then be offered the job of helping take out Decker. Agree to the job, and tell the Sheriff that you are ready to go. You will then be taken to Decker’s headquarters where you will have to kill Decker and his guards. You might want to save here just in case you die. After Decker and his guards are eliminated, speak with the Sheriff to receive your reward.

19. Return to the Thieves’ Guild and deliver the necklace to Loxley. Then, speak to Jasmine for your reward.

20. Leave the Hub and go to the Brotherhood of Steel.

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Brotherhood of Steel

1. When you arrive here, you will see two guys standing outside of a small structure. Talk to the man that is on the left, which is Cabbot, and ask to join. You will then find out that you have to bring back something from the Glow that proves you were there in order to become a member. Agree to this job.

2. Leave the Brotherhood of Steel and proceed to Necropolis.

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Done by Slurrydevil

1. If you are perceptive then you might have noticed that the water Merchant in the Hub said that the Ghouls of Necropolis don’t want any of their water. Could that mean they have their own?

2. To the north when you first arrive here you will see some ghouls that are standing near a manhole cover. Take out the ghouls, and then go down the manhole and into the sewers.

3. In the sewers, head to the northwest to the next part of the sewers. Here you will find a group of peaceful ghouls. Talk to the leader of this group and be nice. You will find out about Set and the water supply of Necropolis. Also, you will find out that the water pump is broken and is missing some parts. Since the pump is broken, Necropolis has been using a water chip to supply them with water. Offer to help out the ghouls by finding the missing parts.

4. To the lower right in this part of the sewers (down the hall that is to the right of where the underground ghoul leader is), you can find a ladder. Take this ladder and you will find yourself in the part of town where Set is in. Set can be found in the big building on the north side of this part of town. Go find him and speak to him. If it is not night, he will ask you to return later. You can just rest until it is evening if this occurs. Once you do get into a conversation with him, and if you do not piss him off, you can get the job of taking out the mutants at the water shed. Agree to the task and then head back to the sewers using the same ladder you used before.

5. Proceed north to the next part of the sewers. You will find a single ladder here. Ascend the ladder and you will find yourself in the part of town that has the water shed. The shed can be found to the north here. Inside it you can find the mutant boss, Harry. He will talk to you. No matter what you say, in the end you will get two options - agree to follow him to the Lieutenant, be beaten and tortured and basically get your ass kicked, or refuse and offer to plaster his green ass over the pavement! Of course, you’re going to have to choose the second one. As you can imagine Harry isn’t too chuffed by this and attacks you. This can be rather unpleasant because he packs a laser rifle and that reeeeeally hurts! He has some buddies round to play as well and one of them is carrying a flame thrower, which can turn a metal armored vault dweller into a microwave snack pretty fast! Give them both proverbial barrels and make sure they die quickly. The others are only armed with knuckle dusters which doesn’t really leave much of a mark. Take out all of the mutants. There are six total; four in the shed, one on the street, and one in a building next to the shed.

6. The mutant that was standing outside was standing close to a manhole cover. Go down the manhole to the sewers. This is where the missing parts for the water pump can be found. They are laying on the ground to the upper right of this area.

7. Once you have recovered the parts, return to the underground ghouls and speak with the leader again. Tell him that you have the parts, and if your repair skill is too low, he will give you three books on electronics which will raise your repair skill when you read them.

8. Return to Set to receive your reward for destroying the mutants at the water shed.

9. Return to the water shed. The pump that you have to repair can be found in the upper right. I would suggest saving here in case something goes wrong. Use the missing parts that you found on the pump and you should eventually be able to repair it.

10. On the south side of the water shed, south of the where the pump is, you will find three rooms. The middle one contains a ghoul that has been taken captive. Free him and you will gain some experience.

11. The room to the east of the room where the ghoul was in contains a ladder. Take the ladder down, and you will come upon yet another ladder. This ladder will take you to a cave that leads to the ruins of an old vault. This whole place is crawling with creepy white ghouls who will radiate you if they hit you so try to avoid fighting them whenever possible. If you do have to fight them, try killing them before they can hit you. Once you reach the vault, you will find an elevator. Use the elevator to go to the third floor. Then, proceed to the southeast section of this floor. You should find a computer console that is powered up. Use it and you will get the long coveted water chip, congratulations!!

12. Leave Necropolis now and set course for the Glow. However, before you do go to the Glow, make sure that you have a bunch of anti-radiation medicine (Rad-X or Rad-Away) and a rope. Both of these are required for the Glow, and without them you will be useless there.

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1. Once at the Glow, take some anti-radiation medicine instantly. If you do not do this, your character will become radiated and will die.

2. The Glow doesn’t look like much; just a huge crater. On the west side of the crater, however, there is a large metal beam. Use the rope on this beam to attach it to the beam. Now, you can use the rope to go into the crater.

3. On the first floor, you can find what the Brotherhood sent you to find. It is a holodisk from a decaying body. The body is wearing what appears to be the remains of Power Armor, or the type of armor that members of the Brotherhood wear. When you find the disk, your character should figure out that it is what the Brotherhood had sent you to retrieve.

4. Once you have the holodisk, you could simply leave, but there are many other floors that you can explore. In order to get to these floors, however, you first have to get past the electric devices that are on the elevator doors. To do this, you simply have to use the pass key that matches the color that surrounds the elevator door. For example, if the door is surrounded by the color red, then you will use the red pass key on it to disable the electric devices. You can find all of the pass keys on dead bodies.

5. You will eventually come upon an elevator that does not work. This elevator leads to the fifth floor, which contains a lot of good salvage. In order to arrive at this floor, though, you first have to repair the power generator. The generator is towards the southeast on the sixth floor. Use your repair skill on it, and if your skill is high enough, you should be able to repair it. You may have to try repairing it a few times before you manage to fix it. Once the generator is operational, use the computer that is next to it to reinitialize the main power. Once the main power is on, you will be able to access the fifth floor. However, after the main power is started, the robots in the Glow will be activated and will attack you on site.

6. Once you have everything that you want from the Glow, leave the place and head back to Vault 13.

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Vault 13

1. When you arrive here, go to the Command Center. Proceed down the hall here and talk to the first person that you come across. This should be a black man that is guarding the water supply. If it is during the night, you will not find him here. So, if this is the case, rest until morning. From him you can find out that someone has been stealing water. Offer to help out with the task.

2. Now, rest until it is midnight. You will then see a guy come off of the elevator. He will stand around for a little while, and then he will enter the water storage area. Wait for him to make the steal, and then stop him. Search the man (you may have to threaten him in order to be able to search him). You will then bust him.

3. Go see the Overseer now, who can be found o the right side of the floor. Give him the water chip. He’ll test it in order to confirm that it works, and then he’ll send you to the library to give your report.

4. Return to the Overseer and speak to him again. He will tell you about the super mutant threat, and you will find out that you have to save the vault again.

5. Leave Vault 13 and head back to the Brotherhood of Steel.

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Return to Brotherhood of Steel

1. Talk to Cabbot when you arrive here and give him what you have retrieved from the Glow. You will then become an initiate of the Brotherhood. Then, take the elevator to the first floor.

2. Unarm yourself if you have a weapon on you. Then, talk to the first person that you see here. When you get the chance, ask her where you can get better weapon. You will then be referred to Talus in the training room. Get directions to the room if you need them, and then head there.

3. Once you arrive in the Training Room, talk to the man that is wearing power armor. This is Talus. Ask him about getting better weapons and equipment. You will be told to see Michael to get some stuff that all initiates are entitled to. Then, ask about getting some high-tech weapons. Insist to Talus that you need better weapons, and he will then offer to get you something if you help him with a problem of his first. The problem is that an Initiate from the Brotherhood journeyed to the Hub and hasn’t returned yet. Agree to search for the Initiate.

4. Michael is the guy that is wearing combat armor right outside of the Training Room. Talk to him and tell him that you are authorized to check something out. You will then receive some Brotherhood Combat Armor and three sets of ammo of your choice. Go to the elevator now, which is on the west side of the floor, and take it to the second floor.

5. On this floor, you can find the doctor. He is in the room that is closest to the northwest. Talk to her, and if you are injured or radiated, you can be healed. Also, you can have the doctor perform operations on you to improve your Strength, Perception, Endurance, Intelligence, and Dexterity. Each operation costs a certain amount and each takes you a certain amount of time to recover from.

6. Proceed to the third floor now. Once here, enter the large room that is on the left side of the floor. In this room you can find Vree, the Head Scribe. She is one of the people at the head of the room. Speak to her, and ask her about the mutations. Keep her on the topic, and you will find out that the mutants are sterile. Then, ask her for proof. You’ll receive a holodisk then that contains proof. Next, ask Vree about holodisks, and then ask her where you can learn computer skills. After that, Vree will set up a computer console that you can use to take some computer courses that the Brotherhood of Steel offers.

7. Go to the room in the southeast of the floor. This is the repair room. Speak to Kyle here, and when you get the chance, tell him that you want some power armor. He’ll tell you that he has a set that he would give you, but it is missing a Systolic Motivator. Then, ask him where you can get one of those parts. You will be told that there are some in the supply room. Then, ask him that if you got the part, if he would then fix it for you. You will be told that you would have to fix it yourself. Before you leave, ask where else you can get the part. You’ll then find out that Rhombus may have one. Now, leave him and head to the fourth floor.

8. Here you will find a room that has two guards outside of it and two people inside. One of the people on the inside is the High Elder. Speak to him, and ask him what you can about the ‘impending war.’ You’ll find out that the Elders think that there is an army in the mountains to the north. Next, say that you have found proof that the army has been causing the disappearances of the caravans. Then, offer to scout the area to the north. Maxson will then ask you to report what you find. Now, ask him about getting better weapons. You will be told to speak to his assistant, Mathia. So, speak to Mathia now and you will be able to pick a new weapon.

9. Return to the first floor. In the first room to the south is Rhombus. If it is night and your sneak skill is high enough, you can sneak into his room and steal a Systolic Motivator from his locker. Just be sure not to be caught. A different route of getting the Motivator is to speak to Michael again. With a fairly high speech skill, you can convince him to give you a Motivator.

10. Go back to the third floor and give the Systolic Motivator to the guy in the repair room. You will then receive a manual and be told to repair the armor yourself. So, first read the manual, and then use your repair skill on the armor to fix it. Once it is repaired, pick it up and you will have your own suit of power armor.

11. Leave the Brotherhood now and go to the Boneyard.

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1. When you arrive here, if you are armed, you are asked to put your weapon away. So, unarm yourself.

2. Go to the second building to the south that is on your left when you first enter the town. Talk to the old man here and ask him whom he is. Then, ask for a job. You will find out about the problem between him and the Blades. Find out as much as you can about the gang and what they have been doing to the people. Finally, you will be told to take out the leader of the gang. Ask him what he has against the leader, and you will find out that she had his son killed. Accept the job.

3. South of this building is a small shack with a man in a lab coat standing outside of it. Talk to him, and ask him what he is studying. Next, question him about making bullets, and then tell him that the Hub is making a profit off of him. You will find out that the reason for this is because the hydroponic farms are not working. Then, offer to find the parts that are needed for the farms.

4. Proceed north to the next part of town now. Once here, enter the large building to the north that has a ‘Blades’ sign on the front. Find the leader of the Blades here, which is a women that is dressed in black, and speak to her. Tell her that Zimmerman sent you, and then say that he wants you to get back at her for killing his son. She’ll then start yelling stuff and get mad. Don’t attack her but instead ask what she is talking about. You will find out that the Regulators are responsible for killing Zimmerman’s son. She even has a holodisk with proof on it. When you can, offer to give the disk to Zimmerman. She will agree to this. You will next be informed about the Gun Runners. The Blades need weapons from the Runners, but there is a Death Claw nest between them. So, offer to go see the Gun Runners and ask for weapons for the Blades.

5. Proceed to the northeast to the next part of town, which is the Death Claw nest. Take out any Death Claws that attack you here. In this area, you should find a corpse. Search it, and you will find junk on it. This junk happens to be the parts that are needed for farms, so take it. Once you have the parts, continue to the northeast to the Gun Runners part of town.

6. Here you will find a moat of goo with a guard standing over the only crossing bridge. Talk to him, and then tell him that you have to see the boss on important business. You’ll then be allowed to pass. Now, proceed north into the building and speak to the person that is wearing combat armor here. Ask him about why they do not get more visitors there. You will find out that it is because of the Death Claws, and that they have not taken them out because they are not fighters. Then, offer to take the Death Claws out yourself. Tell him that in return you have some friends that want some weapons. You will then get a deal. Now, head back to the Death Claws.

7. Take out all of the Death Claws here. In the main building, you will find a set of stairs. Take them down. Here you can find the Death Claw mother and the nest. Take out the mother and the eggs. Then, return to the Gun Runners.

8. Go speak to Gabriel. He’ll be happy to hear that the Death Claws are dead. Then, for your payment, have the Gun Runners deliver some weapons to Blades.

9. Return to the Blades and speak to the leader. You will find out they are going to invade Adytum. Tell them that you want to speak to Zimmerman first.

10. Go back and talk to Zimmerman. Have him listen to the holodisk that has the truth behind what happened to his son. He will get pissed off, and then his Regulator guard will kill him. Now, take out all of the Regulators. The Blades should show up to help you for this. Afterwards, speak with the Blade leader to be thanked for your help.

11. Return to Miles and give him the parts for the farms. You will then be asked to take them to Smitty to be fixed. Agree to this. Smitty can be found in the first building to the right when you first enter Adytum (first building, not shack). He may be on the outside of the building. Speak to him, and give him the parts. After he fixes them, return them to Miles. You will then get a reward for your work.

12. Talk to Miles again. If you are wearing power armor, he will notice and mention that he can upgrade it. However, he needs some information from Mrs. Stapleton in the Hub in order to complete the upgrade. He will then ask you to get the information. Agree to the task.

13. Talk to Smitty again. If you have a plasma rifle with you, you can have Smitty upgrade it to a Turbo Plasma Rifle.

14. Go to the Blades part of town. Then, go to the southwest and proceed to yet another part of the Boneyard. This area is inhabited by the Followers of the Apocalypse. In this building, one of the first people that you will come across is Katja. If you say the right things to her, you can get directions to the Children of the Cathedral headquarters. Also, you can get her to join your team.

15. Also at the Followers, you can find the leader, Nicole. From her, you can find out a lot of information about the Children of the Cathedral. You will also find out that the Followers think that the Children are evil. Whatever you do, don’t offend Nicole. When you get the chance, offer to inform her of anything that you find out about the CoC (Children of the Cathedral). She’ll thank you for this. Next, when you get the chance, ask her to help you destroy the CoC. She’ll say that she can’t do that, but she will tell you about Laura, who is a Follower spy that is in the Cathedral. If you say ‘Red Rider’ to her, she should be helpful.

16. Leave the Boneyard now and head for the Children of the Cathedral.

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1. Once you arrive here, some guards from the Followers might arrive to assist you. If they do, you can either keep them around or just take them out. Part of this might depend on the strategy that you use. Here you can either go in and kill everything there, or you can steal a purple robe from somewhere and, if you wear it, you can use it to go around the Cathedral without being attacked by the Nightkin. However, you cannot have a weapon in your active slot if you use the disguise. Whichever method you use is up to you.

2. Laura can be found in one of the first rooms to the left when you enter the church. Talk to her, and tell her that Nicole sent you. Then, speak the words ‘Red Rider’ to her, and you will then be asked to follow her to a place where you two can talk. Agree to this, and then follower Laura to another room. Once here, talk to her and ask her questions. You can find out a lot of interesting information about Morpheus, the master, and the Children from her. You can also have her show you the secret door that Morpheus sometimes uses.

3. If you have a robe, you can sneak up tot eh third floor of the Cathedral where Morpheus is. However, you must be alone in order for this disguise to work. I wouldn’t recommend going by Morpheus however because you will probably end up fighting your way out of there.

4. In the back of the first floor of the Cathedral is a hall with a staircase. To get there, use your lockpick on the door, or if you killed Morpheus, you can use one of the keys that you got off of his body to pass through the door.

5. Once in the basement, go to the southeast. Here you can find a trap door. To get past it, you can either wait for one of the Children followers to walk through it, or you can use the switch that is behind one of the bookshelves to open it. However, it may take you a while to find the switch. Once you get past the door, follow the cave to the vault.

6. If you are using the robe disguise, you will have to talk your way past the mutant guards at the entrance to the vault. If you are not using the disguise, you will have to kill both of the mutants.

7. When you enter the vault, you should see a computer console. Use your science skill on the computer and you should then be able to find the location of the mutant base. Now, use the elevator to go to the second floor.

8. On this floor, go to the room that is in the northwest. Here you will find a group of strange people. Talk to on e of them, and they will tell you that spirits of the past are protecting the master or something like that. When you get the chance, ask them how you can be protected from spirits. You will then receive a psychic nullifier. This device will prevent you from taking damage while walking down the hall to the master’s chamber. Once you have the nullifier, proceed to the third floor.

9. Once you arrive on the third floor, avoid the first room to the right. If you would enter this room, the robots would attack you, which would be a useless battle. If you are wearing the disguise when you arrive on the third floor, then enter the first room to the left. Here, go to the back room where the elevator is. To do this, use your lockpick (or a key from Morpheus) on the door to get past it. Then, lockpick the elevator door, and then go down to the fourth floor. Here you will find a long hall. Lockpick the door at the end of the hall. Speak to one of the mutant guards in the last room now. Mention that the device here looks like a nuke, and you will find out that it is a fully functional nuclear device. Now, switch into some good armor, arm yourself, and take out the mutants. Then, put your disguise back on. Now, use your science skill on the computer console. You will then be able to set off the nuclear bomb. Once you do this, leave as fast as you can.

10. If you do not use the disguise, you will then have to kill the mutants on the third floor in order to get to the nuclear bomb. If you don’t want to use the nuclear weapon, or if you don’t have a high enough science skill to use the nuke, then you can also kill the Master. To kill the Master, go to the room in the southeast of the third floor. On the left side of the room, you will find a door. Go through the door and down the long hall that is behind it. If you have a psychic nullifier on you, you will not take any damage while venturing down the hall. However, if you do not have one, your character will take some damage. At the end of the hall you will find the Master. Kill him, and then the nuclear bomb will be detonated. After that, leave as fast as you can.

11. Head back to the Hub.

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Return to Hub

1. Go to the building that is to the north of Harold’s place. Take out everyone in the first room that is here. Then, lockpick the door to the back room and speak to the man there. He is the initiate that Cabbot wanted you to find.

2. Mrs. Stapleton can be found in the building that is just to the north of Beth’s place. Talk to her and tell her that Miles in Adytum has sent you there for the set of Chemistry journals. She will say that she has them, but you will have to pay her for them. So, giver her the money, and you’ll receive the journals.

3. Leave the Hub and return to the Boneyard.

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Return to Boneyard

1. Go to Miles and give him the journals. He will then say that he can upgrade your power armor, but it will take a full day to do. Agree to this. Miles will then upgrade your armor, and you will receive a suit of hardened power armor.

2. Leave the Boneyard and head back to the Brotherhood.

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Return to Brotherhood of Steel (Again)

1. Speak to Cabbot. He will thank you for rescuing the initiate. You will then get your reward, which is a weapon of your choice. Next, speak to Michael to pick up your weapon.

2. Leave the Brotherhood and go to the military base.

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Military Base

1. Once you arrive here, you can return to the Brotherhood of Steel again and inform the High Elder that you found the base. If you do decide to do this, you will receive some knights from the Brotherhood that will help you get past the mutants on the outside of the base. The paladins won’t enter the base, though.

2. Once the mutants on the outside are dead, search the bodies. Take a radio from one of them. You can then use the radio to trick some mutant guards. You have to just pretend that you are being attacked and ask for backup.

3. One of the mutants has a holodisk on them. Take the disk and try using it. You will find out that the tape is damaged, but it has a code on it. This code is needed to unlock the door and get into the base. So, now use the door, and your character will automatically enter the code. Next, enter the base.

4. In the base you will notice some yellow force fields. To get past these fields, you can either use your repair skill on the force field emitter (which is the thing next to each force field that looks like an hour glass) or you can place an explosive device next to the field. Both of these will get you past the yellow force fields.

5. In the southeast corner of the first floor is a set of computers. Use the computer that is furthest to the north. If your science skill is high enough, you will be able to hack into the blackjack game on that computer. Then, if you want to, you can use your science skill on the computer. If your skill is high enough, it will say that you managed to disable some of the force fields. However, even if you do this, all of the force fields will remain up. I’m guessing it was something that Interplay overlooked in the game.

6. There is another room on the first floor that has computers in it. This room is to the west. Use your science skill on the middle computer. You can access it and use it to find out information about the robot systems in the base. You can also change the parameters on movement, sensors, and modify pest control. If you select the right settings, the robobrains in the base will kill some super mutants for you.

7. On the third floor you will come across a broken elevator. You have to go past the yellow force fields in order to gain access to the working elevator (see number four in this section for more information about getting past the yellow force fields).

8. On the fourth floor, in the room to the southwest, you can find Mr. Handy. Use your repair skill and then your science skill on the robot to activate him. Next, speak to the robot and you will find out that it has an incomplete task. Question the robot about the task, and then tell him to go do it. Mr. Handy will then go to do the task. If you keep an eye on the robot, you will see that he runs into and destroys a force field emitter and a force field.

9. In the southeast part of the fourth floor you can find the Lieutenant. You can speak to him if you wish to, but you will then have to either kill him or be dipped into the vats and become a mutant. I suggest that you just kill him, or if you want, avoid him completely.

10. Go to the room in the northwest now. Here you will find a bunch of scientists and computers. Use the computer that is furthest to the right in the top row. To gain access to this computer, you can either use your science skill on it or kill the scientists in the room. Some of the scientists are carrying security cards. If you use one of these cards on the computer, you will be granted access to it. Once you gain access to the computer, if you choose the right commands, you can set the base to a silent self-destruct sequence, which I suggest doing. However, any type of self-destruct sequence will work. Once you have the sequence activated, leave the base.

11. Congratulations, you have just won the game!

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